Project results: Policy recommendations

Policy Paper: Inclusion now!

This document focuses on Spain, Slovenia, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Greece, and Hungary as we explored
the efforts and policies related to the inclusion of adult learners with disabilities into non-formal education systems. Together with the consortium partners, we prepared a set of recommendations and corresponding good practices, collected all over the European learning space.

Inclusion now: Recommendations for adult learners with disabilities
ALL IN - IO5 Policy Paper EN.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB
Inklusion jetzt: Empfehlungen für eine Erwachsenenbildung für Menschen mit Behinderungen
ALL IN - IO5 Policy Paper DE.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB

All Inclusive – Adult Education and Inclusion: new cooperative approaches

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Adult Education



Coordination: Akademie Klausenhof, Germany